Artificial Intelligence and Economic Growth

How Artificial Intelligence will impact the profit growth of an organization and the larger economy? Read On!

As artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) become more commonplace, their impact on the global economy is becoming more evident. 

AI has already started to revolutionize the business world. With the help of AI tools and techniques, businesses are now able to automate tasks which used to be done by human employees. This leads to increased efficiency and reduced costs. In addition, as AI continues to evolve, it is likely that even more radical changes will take place in the way people live and work. Most experts believe that the AI revolution is still in its early days, and most of its economic impact has yet to be realized.

In 2017 Google revealed its “AI First” strategy, in 2019 they spoke about “AI for everyone” moving beyond its core mission of "organizing the world's information to a company that helps you get things done."

Artificial intelligence provides businesses with a unique and enduring competitive advantage. AI-first companies are the only trillion-dollar companies in the world, underscoring the importance of this technology. With AI, businesses can automate processes, increase efficiency, and make data-driven decisions.

This report explores the latest developments and provides examples of leading organizations to show how technology is evolving.  The report finds that AI has a positive effect on profit and economic growth and contends that AI should be given top priority.  It discusses the concept and provides a framework for organizations to increase their  "Corporate IQ" in order to understand the relationship between man and machine.


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