Definition of e-Strategy aka electronic strategy.
e-Strategy is an iterative process to create and/or modify an organization's business model for e-Business:
- It is an abbreviation for "electronic strategy."
- It is a process, not a point-in-time event
- It is iterative - success comes after multiple - do and learn – cycles
- The key is the creation/modification of the business model, not designing websites to address business requirements
- The former focuses on the business
- The latter focuses on integrating emerging technology; that is the purview of Information Technology Strategy
- e-Strategy sets the direction for the entire organization
- It is one and the same as the "business" strategy. If one must, then eStrategy is a subset of business strategy
- It is not an "IT Strategy" for the Internet. Much like business strategy drives IT Strategy, eStrategy drives IT Strategy
- eBusiness affects the entire organization, so the focus of eStrategy is on the entire business, not on creating a new distribution channel or creating a customer portal, or targeting a new internet-based market segment
- eStrategy focuses on creating maximum value, not on creating revenues or reducing costs through the internet
eStrategy helps create shareholder value. In other words, it helps identify the "new" business model to compete in the "new" world that now includes the internet-based ecosystem.
Synonyms or alternative names for e-Strategy are electronic strategies, digital strategies, e-Business strategies, internet strategies, and online strategies.
e-Business is the business use of the Internet. The “use” results in a “business benefit” such as higher revenues, reduced costs, or reaching an underserved market. “Internet” includes all technologies and applications enabled by the Internet.