BEA Development Methodology

The BEA Development Methodology (BDM) document describes the overall approach and process for developing the Business Enterprise Architecture (BEA), one of the primary tools used to drive transformation within the Department of Defense (DoD) Business Mission Area (BMA). 

The BDM reflects the current methodology for developing the BEA, incorporating lessons learned across the architecture development life-cycle and best practices identified in the successful development of previous releases of the BEA.
The BDM provides an initial overview of the scope of the BEA, reviews the development approach used to analyze the information that becomes BEA content; details the process steps in the BEA release cycle; and identifies the technology and tools used to develop the BEA.
The BDM is intended for an audience that is familiar with the DoD Architecture Framework (DoDAF) and the overall BEA content and purpose.

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