Comprehensive Introduction to Information Technology (IT) Strategy

This set of presentations provides guidance for the CIO who wants to manage IT for strategic advantage. It provides a bird's eye view to IT Strategy or the strategic use of information technology - how to use IT to create business advantage?

It delves into the obvious:

  • What is IT strategy?
  • Why is it important?
  • How to create and deploy it?

But more importantly, it touches upon some peripheral topics that can derail even the best IT strategy - namely, architecture, organizational and employee impact, and ethics. (500+ pages)

Introduction to IT strategy presentation explores the definition, role, benefits, process, and organization required to create a strategic plan for IT.

  • Chapter 1: What knowledge of IT and strategy is needed to manage IT for business advantage? Why is IT Strategy important? How is IT Strategy related to Business Strategy?
  • Chapter 2: How to successfully deploy IT for business advantage? How to create an effective IT strategy?
  • Chapter 3: How to measure the value of IT investments? How to measure IT costs? How to allocate IT costs?
  • Chapter 4: Why do IT projects fail? How to manage IT projects for success?
  • Chapter 5: How does IT affect the larger organization? Are their organizational designs better suited to IT adoption and transformation?
  • Chapter 6: How does IT change business processes? How to effectively deploy IT in support of business transformation?
  • Chapter 7: How are employee roles and responsibilities affected? How to effectively manage these changes?
  • Chapter 8: How to design and deploy enterprise architecture in support of business goals?
  • Chapter 9: Going digital - what has changed, and how to manage it effectively looking beyond technology and focusing on the business imperatives of the net
  • Chapter 10: Are ethics important to managing IT effectively? How to exercise control in managing IT?

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