Case Study: Role of Enterprise Architecture in Post Merger Integration

This e-book presents a case study focused on the role of enterprise architecture in post merger integration of information technology. Excellent Read!! (400 pages)

Companies pursue an acquisition based strategy for growth, especially in the high-tech industry. The CIO plays a key role in such companies - how to seamlessly integrate the post merger organization. What is that role? How can a CIO play it successfully? That is the focus of this case study.

  • Why pursue an acquisition based growth strategy? Does technology play a role in the decision to acquire another company?
  • What are the information technology related challenges in post merger integration?
  • What are the core competencies that foster or hinder post merger integration?
  • What role does enterprise architecture play in post merger integration?
  • How is the role of the CIO changing because of M&A?
  • What role does the CIO play in acquisition based strategy companies?
  • How can a CIO effectively manage post merger integration?

CIOs play the role of "Chief Integration Officer" in different ways. This case study highlights specifics of that role and lessons that can be applied outside of the M&A space. Excellent discussion!

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