Case Study – Ensuring Accuracy of ITIL Maturity Assessment

This case study explores the accuracy of ITIL maturity self-assessment. This is critical to the success of an ITIL implementation. MUST Read. (100 pages)

How good are your current IT service processes? A CIO must answer this question before they can implement ITIL in a meaningful way - after all, you can improve something only if you know how good it is now! How you determine the strength and weaknesses of your current state depends on whom you ask - and that is the best way to ensure failure because bias, in any direction, can derail the best laid out ITIL plans.

This case study explores how IT organizations rate their maturity level against what it is in reality, helps you understand why that is and how to overcome it.
- What is ITIL?
- What are the benefits of ITIL?
- What is CMMI?
- How to implement accurate ITIL maturity?

This case study can help CIOs overcome one of the key issues affecting ITIL success. MUST Read. (100 pages)

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