cio blogs

IT Strategy: The Psychic CIO

Psycho is out. Psychic is in. Did you know that? (get it? I crack myself up! ) Technology has traditionally been thought of as an

What Price Innovation?

How many of you are really investing in innovation? What percentage of your total budget goes into innovation? What is the correct percentage? Conventional wisdom

The KISS of IT governance

Now that I have your attention, we need to switch focus to governance. How can you make governance effective? Keep it simple, stupid! If you

Strategy: Follow The Herd

Strategy means charting the right course. This implies – without exception – charting your own course. If you have caught anything that I write in

CIO Career: Is There Life After Death?

You are living large. Doing things. Going places. Have you thought about making your corporate will? Is there life after death? Who knows? Over a

CIO Career: Who Yo Daddy?

CIO reports to CEO. CIO reports to CFO. CIO reports to COO. What is the most natural organizational fit? Does it matter? CIOs have come

Innovation: Google Doesn’t Matter

Nicholas Carr takes another dump. Unfortunately, you have to bear witness! To see the author of “IT Doesn’t Matter” – “Does IT Matter?” – write

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