Peer Connect Groups for CIOs (Peer Advisory)

It is lonely at the top. Does it have to be?

CIOs and other IT Leaders face myriad challenges every day which are solved with the help of trusted advisers. Perhaps, some of the most valuable advice can come from fellow travelers – your peers. Some have been there, done that. Some others are in the same boat. Most importantly, they understand like nobody else can.

CIO-Index Peer Connect is a service that connects its members with their peers in a small, private setting. Peer Connect is a premium service which is being offered to current members at no additional charge.

What is Peer Connect?

Peer-Connect is a peer advisory CIO group comprised of twelve (12) members who help solve critical issues on each others’ agenda. Since the members huddle together throughout the year they understand each other and their respective situations. Advice is timely, precise, relevant, and practical.

Each member creates a professional development plan for the year that identifies their key objectives, challenges, and a plan to overcome them. The plan also identifies milestones, deliverables, and key performance indicators to assess performance against target. Issues are added and taken off the list throughout the year.

The peers assist each other in the development of this plan and help solve challenges along the way. They encourage action, offer advice, challenge thinking, and gently nudge each other to perform better.

Visit the list of groups to see a current list of groups. New groups are being added every day. Want to add a group? Please contact us.

What are the types of Peer-Connect Groups?

There are three types of peer-connect groups. The first is based upon geography – for example a peer connect group for USA or UK. The second is based upon industry – for example, a peer connect group for banking or aviation or retail. The third is based upon topic – for example, a peer connect group for security or architecture.

How does it work?

  • Group Formation: We assign members to a peer-connect group based upon their preference. Members can chose to be assigned to a group based upon geography or industry or topic.
  • Leadership: Each group elects its leadership – a Group Chair and Vice Chair.
    • The group chair leads the group throughout the year 1) organizing monthly meetings 2) soliciting issues for discussion 3) prioritizing issues for discussion 4) follow up on open items and actions
    • Group Vice Chair assists the Group Chair in leading the group and fills in when the latter is not available. Specific responsibilities can be divided between the two as needed.
    • The leadership serves for an entire year but can be changed with the consent of the members.
  • Online Discussion Group: Each group is assigned a private discussion forum for its members ONLY. Members can discuss issues as they arise. Notifications are sent via email to group members. Group Chairs moderate the discussions as needed.
  • Monthly meetings: Each peer-connect group meets once a month “in-person” to work on key issues, and solve problems of importance to its members.
    • These meetings are held online using Go-To-Meeting so members can attend using a phone or VOIP connection.
    • Documents can be shared using this platform.
    • Issues are submitted by each member prior to the meeting. Group Chair selects and prioritizes issues for discussion.
    • The duration of each meeting can be set by the Chair in consultation with its members.
    • A part of these meetings can be used for a presentation by an expert.
    • CIO-Index will assist in scheduling the Go-To-Meeting session and identifying experts to invite.

Who Can Join?

Current CIO Index members are eligible to join a peer-connect group. Each member can join one group only. Members can choose to join a geography or industry or topic based group.

Each member is assigned to a group based upon their preference and availability. Seating is limited.

What is the charge?

Peer Connect is a premium service which is being offered to current members at no additional charge.

How do I join?

  1. Step 1: Please contact us with your preference for a peer-connect group type – geography or industry or topic based.
  2. Step 2: We will assign you to a group and email you the details. You can then access the online group and start participating in its activities.
  3. Step 3: Visit peer connect groups page to join your group.

At CIO Index we believe that peer advice is often the best advice one can receive. Consequently, we are putting in a lot of emphasis and effort in providing this service to our members. It is our hope that you will use this service to its full potential and beyond.

As always, we appreciate your feedback and please do not hesitate to contact us for further information or clarification.

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