Special Interest Groups for CIOs

A Special Interest Group (SIG) is formed to solve a specific problem on the CIO’s index. Each SIG comprises of CIO members who work together to devise a solution to the problem. This solution is passed on to the community to use without restriction. Team members interact with peers and develop transferable problem solving skills.
A special interest group (SIG) is a small group of members with a shared interest in advancing a specific area of knowledge. SIG group members work together to produce solution(s) for that specific area of knowledge which is communicated to the entire membership of CIO Index. A SIG operates in perpetuity – creating and continuously enhancing the solution(s) through a research and feedback loop. Participation on a SIG provides an unprecedented opportunity to network, learn, and for the leader of the SIG an unparalleled opportunity to hone in leadership skills – leadership is management without the benefit of command and control; if you can lead a SIG, you can manage anything.

There are three things that are mandatory for a SIG: a) Problem b) Participation b) Deliverable


A SIG focuses on a specific problem. This is a narrow field of endeavor – all complex problems must be broken down into smaller, and manageable set of problems with a SIG for each.


A SIG must produce a deliverable. Members can research, collaborate with external entities, experiment within organizations, and perform extensive analysis as required. However, at the end of the day, they must produce a deliverable that reports on the solution to the problem they are tackling. This solution can be modified or improved over time but at a given point in time, there must be a solution.


A SIG, therefore, makes participation mandatory. This is not a spectator sport and members must be assigned tasks and deliverable(s) with timelines and an expectation of delivery. Much like a football team cannot have its member(s) sit in the stands, a SIG does not invite observers.

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