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How do I become a member?

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There are three simple rules of membership on CIO Index:

Membership Approval Process

This process usually takes a few hours but please be patient – our promise is to get back to you within 24-48 hours.

  1. Request an Invitation: If you are interested in joining the community, please request an invitation by submitting this form.
  2. Verify your email: Upon successful submission of the request form, an email is sent to you. Please click on the verification link to verify your email. Once verified, your request is reviewed.
  3. Wait for Approval: We review and respond to each request within 24-48 hours of receipt.
  4. Receive Approval: If you are approved, you are an “Explorer” – a member of the CIO Community – free to avail of the services offered for this role.  We send you an email that explains your access, privileges, and group assignment:
    1. Orientation Group: We assign you to a group where we guide you through the portal and community
    2. Peer Group: We assign you to a group of twelve(12) of your peers based upon your current role and location so you start building relationships from the get-go.
    3. Note: You can join additional groups at any time! These assignments are just to get you started.
  5. Complete Profile: Please login to the portal and Update your profile. Note: You cannot do anything on the portal if your profile is not complete.
  6. Check-in: Next, please check-in to the orientation and peer groups. Nothing fancy, just a simple hello usually suffices to break the ice  🙂
  7. Use the portal! Now, you are ready to navigate the portal as your privileges allow. The top menu is your friend – all areas are easily accessible from it.
  8. Upgrade: Certain privileges are reserved for our subscribers. If you would like to avail of those, please upgrade.

I did not receive a verification email Verification emails are sent instantaneously so if you do not receive one within a few minutes, please check your SPAM folders first. If the email is not there, please contact us. I did not receive a response within 48 hours Please contact us. Please DO NOT submit another request. What should I do if I was not approved? The most common reason for not approving a request is: incomplete, fictitious and/or facetious information submitted on the request form. Please DO NOT submit another request, contact us with the correct information and we will review your request again.

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