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Why can’t I download a document from the site?

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CIO Toolkit is a free resource for our members ONLY. Please check to make sure your membership is active.

Note: You must be logged in to download.

Are you downloading a reference from the CIO Toolkit?
Problems with account privileges can prevent downloading
1. Please make sure your membership is still active. ONLY active members can access the CIO Toolkit and other members only areas on the CIO Portal.
2. Please make sure your account is not temporarily disabled. Resource governers prevent rapid-fire downloading and/or excessive downloading by temporarily disabling an account. In most instances, this hold is automatically lifted in about 60 minutes.
3. See the section on technical errors below

Are you downloading a Sponsored CIO Whitepaper?
CIO Whitepapers can be downloaded by approved users ONLY. Please fill out the form and access may be granted after we have approved your request.

Technical Errors
1. Sometimes document download causes errors. For example, your connection may be reset during the download so you end up with a partial – and unreadable file.
2. Please note that we DO NOT limit the file size of the download nor the connection time. Please check with your ISP because sometimes they restrict both the size of the file that can be downloaded and the connection time.
3. Sometimes, excessive traffic on our site can cause a delay so please be patient. DO NOT refresh your browser or repeatedly drop connection and try again – you are making the problem worse for yourself AND all others.
4.There are resource governors that trigger on excessive use and will temporarily suspend your access to the portal. This suspension can last an hour, a day or a month.

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