A Complete Guide to CMMI for Services and ITIL

Compare and Contrast CMMI for Services and ITIL

The paper provides an overview of the concept of CMMI for services and discusses why organizations should consider consider CMMI for Services if they
- Wish to move IT service management beyond just individual staff capability to organizational capability and maturity
- Wish to have guidance and recognition while progressively adopting IT service management
- Have non-IT services or mixed IT and non-IT services
- Find ISO20000 not fully applicable to them
- Want not just recognition for IT service management but also for other areas e.g. work & project management and perhaps, 6-sigma type of quantitative process management
- Already have ISO20000 but would like the additional visibility that CMMI recognition can bring it
- Already have CMMI for Dev and would like to extend to Services

The paper also explains in detail, with illustrations, the concept of ITIL, why it is important for project success along with the ITIL processes

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