A Guide Extended Enterprise Architecture Viewpoints

 This guide to Extended Enterprise Architecture Viewpoints explains the role of viewpoints in enterprise architecture planning using extended enterprise architecture framework (E2AF)

This guide is trying to explain the important role of Extended Enterprise Architecture Viewpoints in the context of today's social-economic circumstances. It describes and shows another view at Extended Enterprise Architecture Viewpoints and how to deal with the (extended) enterprise stakeholders concerns. Based on the ideas described in IEEE 1471-2000 about views and viewpoints, a transformation of these concepts into the Enterprise architecture domain delivers another view at viewpoints and views. Looking from the outside world to an Enterprise, several groups of (extended) enterprise stakeholders are influencing the goals, objectives and behaviour of the Enterprise. Even so these groups of Enterprise stakeholders have different concerns and therefore different sets of viewpoints when we analyse these extended enterprise stakeholders. Clustering their concerns in four generic categories is showing the drivers of the Enterprise and delivers the understanding of what motivates your (extended) enterprise stakeholders."

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