A Primer On Operating Model Redesign

Learn how to design an operating model for an uncertain world. Read On!

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected businesses in a number of ways, from the way they create value to the way they are structured and operate. The pandemic has forced businesses to re-evaluate their operating models and make changes in order to grow but also to survive should the winds change direction unexpectedly.

In the face of COVID-19, companies have had to abandon their multiple ambitious priorities and focus instead on their most critical objectives. Businesses have faced an increasing number of challenges. Leaders have had to react quickly in order to try and maintain some level of operations. However, while there are certainly many challenges associated with this new reality, the pandemic has also offered valuable lessons about how we work and created significant opportunities for those who are able to capitalize on them. Those businesses with a clearly defined purpose had an easier time making decisions during this time of crisis. This is because having a singular purpose enables speed and forthrightness in decision making.

Much has been written about how to survive and thrive during these uncertain times, but one of the most important takeaways is the importance of agility. In times of uncertainty, the ability to quickly adapt to changed circumstances is a key source of competitive advantage. Businesses must increasingly rely on strategic agility (the ability to detect and navigate unanticipated shifts in the market) and operational agility (reinventing operations to increase resilience to environmental jolts) in order to thrive in the current environment. In this new normal, therefore, transforming operating and business models is imperative to unlocking new value for business

Many organizations are now moving from a "survival" mode to a "growth" mode. This shift will require a need and opportunity to examine how work is designed, structures are organized, and teams collaborate. The goal should be to create an operating model that can withstand future crises.

We refer you to an excellent discussion on the imperative for organizations in our post pandemic business world: operating model agility. CIOs will learn the critical success factors for an organization to survive and grow in a world that can change on a dime.

This primer on agile operating models will help you understand:
- What does the world of business look like moving forward?
- What changed? What are the lessons learned? What are the imperatives for the C-Suite?
- What is the implication of these changes on our business - from strategy to operations?
- How should companies be structured and organized to cope with these changes?
- Should we rethink and redirect our investments?
- How does our operating model look like moving forward?

This paper discusses different operating models with illustrative examples of successful implementations. This is a great place to start a fundamental rethink of your organization’s operating model.

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