Achieving Best Value Through the EFQM Excellence Model

This paper examines how the EFQM Excellence Model provides a structured approach to assessing the current performance of a local authority service department and has helped to identify where improvements can be made to service delivery.

The EFQM Excellence Model provides a structured approach to assessing the current performance of a local authority service department and has helped to identify where improvements can be made to service delivery.
The pilot reviews undertaken by the Leisure and Community Services Department demonstrate how the EFQM Excellence model can be used in two different ways by a local authority i.e. using a computerised scoring/rating approach or as a structured discussion analysis tool.
This paper examines how the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) Excellence Model is being used by a Metropolitan Local Authority in developing its response to the Labour Government’s Best Value Initiative. The research focuses on one Department within the Authority, the Department of Leisure and Community Services.
The objective of the research was to establish how Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council was using the EFQM Excellence Model to undertake Best Value fundamental service reviews. The findings are based on a critical evaluation of all relevant documentation and on interviews held with senior managers. The work was undertaken with the full co-operation of the Authority.

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