e-Book: Implementing Strategy to Perfection

Learn the art and science of strategy implementation. Read On!

Strategy implementation is a critical process that often determines whether a company's strategic planning is successful or not. In other words, it's the process of turning plans into actions in order to achieve a desired outcome. Simply put, it's the art of getting stuff done.

Practitioners know that successfully implementing a strategy is no easy task. From getting different parts of the organization on board to making sure the strategy is aligned with the company's goals and capabilities, implementation is fraught with difficulties. Rightfully, strategy implementation has become a hot topic among managers as they struggle to enact their plans into tangible results.

Organizations struggle with translating their strategies into actionable steps in part due to a lack of understanding of what strategy implementation entails or how it should be done properly
- How can you ensure that your strategy implementation will be successful?
- Why do so many companies struggle with strategy implementation?
- And what can be done about it?

Strategy has been studied extensively by researchers in various fields, and they have come up with different perspectives on it. Some focus on the vision of the future, others on goal-setting, competitive differentiation, process excellence, or core competencies. Despite all this attention, there exists a large gap between strategy and results. The cause? Implementation failure.

CIOs must understand not only how to put together a cogent technology strategy but also how to implement it to perfection.

This e-Book examines the disparate factors that drive separation or integration between strategy and implementation processes. It discusses how external and internal factors impact the organizationsโ€™ capability to implement strategies. It presents models-based approaches of strategy and implementation for respective teams within the organization and a multitude of case studies of high-performance teamwork.
- This strategy implementation guide will help you understand:
- Why does a gap exist between strategy formulation and implementation?
- What are the different types of strategy implementation scenarios?
- What are the factors that drive implementation success?
- How to create a world class strategy implementation capability

This discussion recognizes that implementation issues vary by organization so it is critical to understand the underlying factors to build a model that drives a suitable solution. CIOs will learn how to analyze their own environment to solve the strategy implementation puzzle.

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