e-Book: Internet of Things (IoT) Challenges

Learn the key concepts in the internet of things (IoT) and the challenges to its adoption. Read On!

This guide introduces the internet of things (IoT), tracks its origin, determines its scope, identifies the main legal, societal, and technical challenges of implementing IoT, and discusses ways to address these challenges.

IoT Definition

The Internet of things describes an ecosystem of physical objects connected to each other through a communications network such as the internet. Each IoT object or device has sensors, software, and related technologies to collect, process, and exchange data with other devices connected to it.

  • The connection between IoT devices and applications can be through the internet or any other compatible network
  • These objects - devices, systems, etc. - can communicate with each other and interact with humans as well

While this hyper-connected IoT world offers many benefits, such as automation, optimization, and innovative new functionalities, it also has its risks and challenges.

IoT Challenges

The first challenge with IoT is the ability to connect millions of devices run on disparate platforms and technologies. Then, dealing with the complexity of all these technologies makes IoT a very challenging field of endeavor for any organization. Daunting as these may seem, they are just the beginning of the obstacles to overcome along the journey to implementing IoT in the enterprise. Some of the bigger challenges lie in the legal, societal, and technological implications of IoT use with privacy, transparency, and security being the prominent three.

IoT’s success means an ever-growing number of devices connected to the internet. With so many devices now interconnected, our lives are becoming more and more reliant on embedded technology. This dependence on IoT comes with risks. it is important to identify the new risks that come with this technology.

In order to take full advantage of IoT, we must devise new strategies that minimize these risks.

Toward that end, this week, we refer you to a comprehensive guide on the Internet of Things. This guide provides a comprehensive look at IoT from definition to challenges that must be overcome for the successful adoption of this disruptive technology. (100 pages)

This guide to IoT and its challenges will help you understand:

  • What is the Internet of Things (IoT)
  • What is the origin and history of IoT?
  • What is the current state and status of the IoT landscape?
  • What are the latest developments in the field of IoT?
  • What are the legal, societal, and technological challenges to IoT adoption?
  • How to overcome these IoT implementation challenges?

CIOs can get a complete picture of the Internet of Things, the challenges to its adoption, and how to overcome them to harness the power of IoT to create competitive advantage for the business.

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