e-Book: Enterprise Architecture Playbook

Use this comprehensive guide to create a business-focused enterprise architecture program. Read On!

Enterprise Architecture guidance often focuses on the framework. This is a critical pillar of any enterprise architecture program but this single-minded devotion to this one aspect is what gets CIOs in trouble with the rest of the organization. Why? Because the investment in an enterprise architecture program is to create business value, not artifacts. It is imperative for a CIO to focus their EA program on business value.

We refer you to an excellent playbook that takes a holistic, business-driven view of enterprise architecture planning. This ensures that the enterprise architecture program is built from the ground up with a clear and unwavering focus on its benefit to the business. CIOs can use this comprehensive guide to create a rock-solid enterprise architecture capability that will please all your key stakeholders.

This enterprise architecture playbook defines and describes enterprise architecture, details its business benefits, provides a framework, methodology, and steps to design and implement it, and shows how to govern it for business value. Excellent Read! (60+ pgs)

This enterprise architecture playbook has the key building blocks of a great enterprise architecture program:

  • A clear definition of enterprise architecture: what is it? How do you explain it in simple terms even your grandma would understand?
  • An explanation of the value of enterprise architecture: what is the importance of enterprise architecture? What are its key benefits?
  • A robust enterprise architecture framework and methodology: what are the key components of enterprise architecture?
  • A governance process for enterprise architecture: how to ensure delivery of business benefits from enterprise architecture?
  • A detailed process to design an enterprise architecture program: what are the steps to create a world-class EA program?
  • A template library of key enterprise architecture artifacts: what are EA deliverables? Why create them? How, when, and where to use them?

CIOs can use this comprehensive, step-by-step, guidance to create a leading-edge EA program and capability in their own organization. MUST Read!

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