An information technology strategy for a state government.
IT Departments create IT strategic plans usually using a three or five year planning cycle. In rare instances IT Plans are created annually. For example, this IT Strategy Plan is create on an annual cycle. It details the effective and efficient use of Information Technology (IT) enterprise resources across the enterprise.
The strategic direction within this IT Strategy Plan aligns with the goals, strategies, and initiatives identified in the previous IT Strategic Plan. More importantly, this IT Plan supports the organization's core IT best practices:
- Pragmatic, cost-benefit based, and consensus driven IT Solutions
- Consolidation of information technology resources leveraging shared services
- Application of emerging technology with an emphasis on delivering service in a manner consistent with stakeholder expectations
- Leverage systemic thinking as a means to better plan, deploy, secure, and meter core business information technology systems
- Modernize and expand communications to facilitate enterprise-wideย interoperability
The goals articulated in this IT Plan Example are directly correlated with the enterprise's goals as the IT Organization is directly responsible for ensuring the success of business strategies and priorities. IT Plan ties IT goals to strategic objectives, performance measures, strategic strategies and initiatives. The IT Plan also connects the development/modification of information systems and infrastructure to an IT goal along with an IT project. This ensures that all efforts of IT Department are connected to one or more of its goals,ย Department IT goal.