How I Efficiently Migrated to IaaS

  Now that I described the SaaS component of the implementation of NaviSite’s Managed Cloud Services for ConnectEdu, it is time to come back with the promised article on IaaS.

 Now that I described the SaaS component of the implementation of NaviSite’s Managed Cloud Services for ConnectEdu, it is time to come back with the promised article on IaaS.
The need to simplify our technologies and the decision not to purchase software, servers, or other hardware equipment led to the design of the new architecture and to the selection of the cloud technology partner.
CISCO and NaviSite seemed to offer a unified infrastructure, where we could add the applications that we needed quickly and efficiently. In addition, we needed storage, hardware, servers, networking components, and application and Web services. I would like to add that we were among the first beta testers and production customers on CISCO’s UCS platform.
What did we do?

  • Converted physical systems to virtual (detailed here).
  • Installed new systems and now we are handling their ongoing maintenance.
  • Built-in additional monitoring services on top of the ones available from Navisite.

    • We pay only for what we use: when the need for additional resources increases, we can add hundreds of cloud servers, which we can take down after the peak hours.
    • We did not have to buy SQL server licenses, OS licenses and hardware.
    • Our system is a 24/7 network operation center – SaaS Level II facility.
    • Because we could accurately estimate the needed resources, there are no hidden costs.
    • We switched from a capital expenses based model to an operational based model.

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