Integrating ITIL with other Frameworks

The author discusses the strengths and weaknesses of ITIL with a view to complementing it with other framework and processes for better business outcomes. Why ITIL? Why ITIL may not be enough? What more is needed? How to get it to work with ITIL? CIOs can learn how to use ITIL to create business value. Excellent Discussion! (100 pages)

CIOs are often told: ITIL and forget. More often than not, ITIL is not enough - it must work with other frameworks to generate business value. So, the question becomes:
- What is ITIL?
- Why is it important?
- What are its strengths?
- What are its weaknesses?
- Where is it best suited?
- What gaps does ITIL leave for others to fill?
- What other frameworks do we need to fill these gaps?
- How to integrate these frameworks with ITIL?

A CIO must understand the big picture before implementing ITIL. This is an excellent discussion on taking ITIL from a flavor of the month to a real business value generator. 


Note: For a quick and complete definition of ITIL, please visit the CIO Wiki page: What is ITIL?

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