IT Strategy Presentation

This in-depth and engaging - 78 slides - IT Strategy Presentation [ppt] communicates just about everything you would have wanted to know about IT Strategy aka business IT alignment (ICT Strategy, IS strategy, IS strategic alignment, IT Alignment, strategic information systems planning (SISP)...)

Download this detailed information technology ((IT) strategy PowerPoint presentation which discusses business IT alignment aka IT Strategy planning.

IT Strategy Presentation (Powerpoint/ppt format) slide deck discusses the following topics:

  • What is IT Strategy?
  • Why do you need an IT Strategy?
  • Who is responsible for IS Strategic Alignment?
  • Why do organizations have a business and IT alignment problem?
  • What are some IT Strategy frameworks?
  • What are IT Strategy processes?
  • How to align business with IT?
  • How can organizations assess alignment?
  • How can organizations improve alignment?
  • How can organizations achieve alignment maturity?

And much much more!

Use this presentation to understand and communicate the connection between business or corporate or enterprise strategy, marketing strategy, and technology strategy, or as a template to create an IT strategic management presentation for a general IT audience in your organization.

The single handout you will need to get an overview of IT Strategy. MUST READ!

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