Operational Assessment Example: Improving Service Delivery and Organizational Design

Learn how to improve service delivery and organizational design from this operational assessment example for a small public organization. Discover process improvement opportunities and implementation plans for sustainable success.

An organizational review or assessment is typically conducted to identify opportunities for improving the effectiveness and efficiency of service delivery. Small organizations may face challenges related to their organizational and departmental structures, which can impact service delivery. Some challenges that an administrative review or assessment can help to solve may include the following:

  1. Outdated structures: Outdated structures can lack clarity around roles and responsibilities, resulting in confusion and inefficiencies.
  2. Silos: Departments operating in silos can lead to a lack of coordination and collaboration between teams, resulting in duplication of efforts and wasted resources.
  3. Limited integration: Lack of integration between systems and processes can result in data inconsistencies and delays, impacting service delivery.
  4. Inadequate performance: Inadequate performance can result in a lack of responsiveness to stakeholder needs and expectations, impacting trust and confidence in the business.

An organizational review or assessment can help to identify these challenges and provide recommendations for improvements and efficiencies in organizational and departmental structures, internal processes, and service delivery.

This document is an example of an organizational review project for a small organization. The project was aimed at modernizing the management design of the organization and identifying an organizational structure that could improve the effectiveness and efficiency of service delivery.


The organizational review project involved reviewing the current organizational and departmental structures, gathering information on strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the current organizational and departmental structures, providing recommendations to better design the organization and its departments, identifying opportunities for improvements and efficiencies in vital internal processes, and providing an implementation plan.


Small organizations face challenges related to their organizational and departmental structures, which can impact the effectiveness and efficiency of service delivery. An organizational review project can identify opportunities for improvements and efficiencies.

Proposed Solution

The project was aimed at modernizing the management design of the organization and identifying an organizational structure that could improve the effectiveness and efficiency of service delivery. The review involved gathering information on the current organizational and departmental structures, identifying opportunities for improvements and efficiencies, and providing recommendations for a new organizational and departmental structure.


The implementation plan included estimated implementation costs and recommendations for improvements and efficiencies that could be achieved without reducing service levels.


The organizational review project resulted in a new organizational and departmental structure that positioned the business for sustainable and responsive service delivery. The project also identified service improvement opportunities through a review of key internal processes and provided recommendations to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of these processes.

Lessons Learned

Organizational review projects should aim to be transparent, participative, inclusive, and based on leading practices from comparator organizations. The aim should be to transfer knowledge and necessary "tools" to employees to enable them to better develop their own solutions to operational and process issues and challenges over time.

This example is helpful for organizations looking to modernize their design and improve the effectiveness and efficiency of service delivery. It is also helpful for professionals involved in organizational and administrative process reviews.

Readers will gain insights into best practices and lessons learned from an organizational review project for small organizations, which can be applied to other similar organizations looking to modernize their management design and improve the effectiveness and efficiency of service delivery.


This document provides a valuable example of an organizational and administrative process review. The project resulted in a new organizational and departmental structure that positioned the business for sustainable and responsive service delivery and identified service improvement opportunities by reviewing key internal processes. The principles of transparency, participation, inclusivity, and leading practices from comparator organizations guided the project. The aim was to transfer knowledge and necessary "tools" to employees to enable them to better develop their own solutions to operational and process issues and challenges over time.

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