The Role of the CIO in the 21st Century

The CIO's phased in approach from technology advisor to business enable to a strategically valued partner in transforming the IT Organization to meet the imperatives of the 21st century. Read On

As the role of the CIO evolves, it becomes more important for companies to capture its increased value potential. These days, with technology becoming an ever more integral part of business operations, the role of a CIO is much more complex than it used to be.

Gone are the days when the CIO was expected to be just the technology leader. The modern CIO must also be the chief innovation officer and find ways to monetize technology. What we at CIO Index call CIO 3.0

The CIO of the 21st Century is a strategic player in the organization and has many responsibilities. S/he must be able to navigate through a constantly changing technological landscape. They need to be able to develop and execute an IT strategy that aligns with the organization's goals and objectives. Furthermore, they need to be able to manage their IT portfolio to maximize return on investment. This requires a strong approach to portfolio management, which may even necessitate establishing or reshaping an existing project management office or team.

This paper discusses the CIO’s role in transforming the IT Organization to meet the imperatives of a 21st century corporation. How to structure their IT department in a way that is more closely aligned with the business. How to implement new processes and technologies that will create better value for the company. It discusses a phased in approach from technology advisor to business enabler and finally a strategically valued partner. Only then can CIOs be truly successful in meeting the demands of this century.

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