

Creating Elastic Digital Architectures

This white paper poses four key questions that companies need to ask today to add elasticity to their businesses. The questions focus specifically on how more flexible IT service&nbsp;<span style="line-height: 1.6em;">delivery and management can power new business structures and generate competitive advantage. In particular, it&nbsp;</span><span style="line-height: 1.6em;">explores the underlying elastic digital architecture (EDA), which is powered by foundational technologies that is referred to as the&nbsp;</span><span style="line-height: 1.6em;">SMAC stack (social, mobile, analytics and cloud).</span>

Embracing Real-time Analytics for Proactive Business Management

This whitepaper contents that in times of economic uncertainty, companies must adapt quickly to changes in the revenue stream and find ways to stay competitive and profitable, even with substantially reduced staff due to lower revenues. To gain competitive advantage, most companies are digging deeper into their volumes of data and turning to real-time analytics.

Understanding Cloud Security Challenges

This paper discusses that providing security for cloud environments that matches the levels found in internal data centers is essential for helping modern organizations compete and for allowing service providers to meet their customers&rsquo; needs. However, to match the levels of security that customers experience internally, service providers must make the proper investments in providing, proving and ensuring appropriate levels of security over time.


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