

Extended Enterprise Architecture Framework (E2AF): Cheat Sheet - featured image

Extended Enterprise Architecture Framework (E2AF): Cheat Sheet

IT leaders, harness the power of the Extended Enterprise Architecture Framework (E2AF) with our succinct, one-page cheat sheet. Gain a quick understanding of this complex framework, ensuring better alignment, communication, decision-making, and learning within your organization.

Enterprise Architecture Tool Evaluation Framework

This report evaluates top enterprise architecture planning tools using a capability framework. The conclusion? Do your homework when selecting EA Tools. Requirement definition, use cases, integration with existing toolset, are all equally important criteria that a vendor toolkit must meet to your specification. Good Read!

Trends in Enterprise Architecture

This is a non-scientific survey of Enterprise Architecture trends. The problem with survey and statistics is that one can make just about anything from them! However, it is good to read a survey and translate the results to one’s particular situation. So here goes…


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