

IT Security Basics

An overview of information technology security – define information security, detail functional areas, discuss security standards and regulations, describe testing techniques for IT security audits, and information security organization maturity levels. This presentation also presents case studies to illustrate theory being practiced.

IT Governance Using COBIT and ValIT

This presentation makes the case for information technology (IT) governance, introduces two key IT governance frameworks namely, COBIT and Val ITâ„¢ and discusses how these frameworks fit together.

Auditing IT Governance

This presentation provides a definition and discusses the key objectives, structure, challenges, barriers and auditing of Information Technology Governance.

COBIT Framework

 A High-level Overview of the COBIT Principles, Structure, and Framework

An Overview of COBIT

Cobit framework overview that provides good definition of the framework and how it fits with other I Governance frameworks.

Val IT Case Study

This presentation provides an overview of Val IT Framework and describes its implementation at Canadian Revenue Agency (CRA)

Overview of Risk IT Framework

  Introduction to the Risk IT Framework which "complements and extends COBIT and Val IT to make a more complete IT governance guidance resource."


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