
Resources for a Strong CIO-CEO Relationship

The “Managing Up” category is a valuable resource for CIOs, IT executives, and technology professionals. It provides articles, guides, and resources focused on the essential skills and best practices for managing relationships with senior leadership and stakeholders in the IT industry. As part of our CIO Reference Library, this category offers insights and practical advice on effectively influencing, communicating, and collaborating with higher-level leaders in today’s dynamic business environment.

By exploring this category, you will gain insights into:

  1. Essential managing skills for IT leaders, such as strategic communication, relationship building, negotiation, and influencing decision-makers
  2. Best practices for building strong, productive relationships with senior leaders, including understanding their priorities, aligning IT initiatives with business objectives, and demonstrating the value
  3. Strategies for effectively communicating IT achievements, challenges, and needs to senior leadership, including presenting data-driven insights, articulating risks, and proposing solutions.
  4. Techniques for navigating organizational politics, managing conflicts, and influencing decision-making processes within the context of managing up
  5. Approaches for driving cross-functional collaboration and securing support for IT initiatives from senior leadership and other key stakeholders
  6. Case studies, success stories, and lessons learned from IT leaders and industry experts on effectively managing up and building productive relationships with senior leadership
  7. The evolving role of IT leaders in managing up as digital transformation, automation, and emerging technologies continues to impact the business landscape

By staying up-to-date with the latest Managing Up resources, CIOs, IT leaders, and aspiring professionals can gain valuable insights, practical guidance, and information on how to excel in their roles and advance their careers. Visit this category regularly to discover new content that will help you stay current with industry trends, develop your management skills, and succeed in the dynamic world of IT leadership.

What a CEO Wants from Their CIO?

This presentation discusses the evolving role of the CIO – from head of the IT function to a business leader, the journey has taken many twists, and turns – , how the CIO role is being shaped by the CEO's requirements, and what is the current CIO Role, and its responsibilities. An excellent discussion on a topic that should be of interest to every CIO!

The Evolving Role of the Global Leader

This analysis provides a detailed exploration of how global leadership roles are changing, offering insights into the competencies needed to lead effectively in the future.. Excellent Read!

How can a CIO Drive Strategy?

This compilation of interviews with CIOs illustrates how they are transforming their role from that of technology head to business leader.

CIO Challenges and Opportunities

Despite ample evidence that the world at large and CEOs in particular want CIOs to elevate their game beyond technology stewardship, some have their head in the cloud! This presentation provides a timely reminder that for the CIO to be relevant, the name of the game is: get on the CEOs agenda!

Business Views Impact on the CIO Role

CIO role has come a long way however, getting a seat at the executive table is a hard thing for CIOs in many organizations. This article provides a framework to assess an organization’s willingness to accept the CIO as an "equal" to their business counterparts, concluding that "dominant assumptions about IT in different areas of an enterprise can explain differences in CIO status"

What CEOs Expect of CIOs?

This article provides insights about what CEOs expect of the CIO and the IT function, drawing on interviews with CEOs of high technology companies located in Silicon Valley. Actions by senior IT executives to more closely align their behaviors with those expected by CEOs are offered. Although our discussion is aimed at CIOs or other senior IT executives, the recommendations are of value to all managers within the IT function.

Excellence in CEO Succession

This article discusses 7 habits of Highly Effective Boards – simple things to ensure successful CEO succession.

12 Tips for Managing Your Boss

A lot of CIO-CEO relationships are, shall we say, rocky. A lot of them are so not because of any fundamental difference in point of view but for the lack of “chemistry.” Whatever, the reason, the net result is that the CIO title is often thought of as “career is

Top CIO Concerns

This presentation tracks what should be top CIO concerns (2008, 2009 +) based upon the issues their leaders/bosses CEOs are facing. Then it translates those concerns into action items for CIOs

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