Market Focused IT Strategic Planning Template

A fill in the blanks IT Strategy Template to create a good IT Strategic Plan.

IT executives must align investments in IT with business objectives. Translated into actionable terms, you need to develop an IT Strategic Plan that documents how IT strategy aligns with business strategy and a clear roadmap of initiatives that will implement it. An IT Strategy Plan tells the story of the IT Organization's plans and is a key guiding document for the conversation with your business partners.

This IT Strategy Template will help you create a market-focused IT Strategic plan. The entire plan is driven by a strategic assessment that considers both internal and external factors. It covers the key sections of an IT Strategy Plan and provides instructions to fill out the template. This is the starting point of your story that must be further developed and filled out in collaboration with key stakeholders from within your organization and key external partners.

This Market-Focused IT Strategic Planning Template will help you capture the following key elements of a technology strategic plan:

  • Business vision, mission, goals, and objectives
  • Current IT Capabilities
  • Strategic Assessment of internal and external drivers
  • IT Roadmap and Implementation Plan

What else should you consider?

  • IT Metrics such as Key Performance Indicators (KPI)
  • Risks and their mitigation
  • How to govern (select, approve, monitor) the portfolio of investments identified

This information technology strategic planning template is in MS Word format.

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