Use this framework, steps, tools, and guidance to create a robust strategic plan for IT.
This playbook is designed to serve as a guide to use throughout the strategic planning process. The playbook is broken into sections, each corresponding to a critical step in strategic planning. It provides a strategic plan template, guidance, and tools for each step. The playbook can benefit CIOs who want to learn strategic planning and create a strategic plan for their IT Organization. (200 pgs)
Use this playbook to understand:
- What is strategic planning?
- Why should you create a strategic plan?
- What is an overview of the strategic planning process?
- Who should use this guide?
- How should this guide be used?
The playbook comprises of the following sections:
Section 1. Get your organization ready for strategic planning
- Step 1. Form a strategic planning team
- Step 2. Assess your organization's readiness for planning
- Step 3. Establishing common ground for strategic planning
- Stakeholders Analysis Checklist
- Client Analysis Checklist
- Preplanning Readiness Checklist
Section 2. Current State Assessment: Determine where your organization is currently
- Step 1. Using structured methods to assess your organization
- Step 2. Collecting and consolidating data about your organization
- Organizational Assessment Checklist
- Conducting a SWOT Analysis
- Collecting archival data
- Collecting new data
- Consolidating your data
Section 3. Future State Design Create your desired or "to-be" organization
- Step 1: Develop guiding statements
- Step 2: Develop strategic goals and objectives
- Step 3: Setting priorities
- Step 4: Writing your strategic plan
- Developing a Values Statement
- Developing a Vision Statement
- Developing a Mission Statement
- Developing a Clear Goals Checklist
- Developing Clear Objectives Checklist
- Priority Table
Section 4. Implementation: Put the plan into action
- Step 1. Developing an action plan
- Step 2. Addressing the resources, you need to support actions
- Step 3. Obtaining funding for your plan
- Project Logic or the “Method of Rationales”
- Action Plan Development Action Grid
- Action Plan Litmus Test
- Resource Action Grid
Section 5. Communication Plan: Marketing the strategic plan
- Step 1. Assessing your stakeholders’ information needs
- Step 2. Choosing an effective delivery method for communicating your strategic plan
- Step 3. Creating a simple communication plan
- Stakeholders Needs Table
- Delivery Method Determination Table
- Delivery Method Determining Grid
- Communication Plan Organizing Grid
Section 6. Monitor Progress: Track and report the progress of your plan
- Step 1. Deciding why you are conducting an evaluation
- Step 2. Identifying who will help with the evaluation
- Step 3. Choosing your evaluation strategy
- Step 4. Writing your evaluation plan
- Step 5. Collecting data
- Step 6. Reporting results
- Self-Evaluation Versus Outside Evaluation Assessment Questionnaire
- Most Important Issues for Your Evaluation Questionnaire
- Evaluation Plan Outlining Tool
- Tracking Document Checklist
- Sample Tracking Document
- Sample Monitoring Report
This guide is a complete resource for creating a robust strategic plan that sets the direction for your IT Organization. MUST Read!