Technology Roadmapping

 This chapter provides an overview to the technology roadmapping approach, starting with an introduction to the topic of technology management.

Roadmapping is a very flexible approach, and the various aims that it can support are reviewed, together with the different formats that roadmaps take and the principles for customising the method. Also important is the process that is required to develop a good roadmap, and the chapter describes a method for rapid initiation of roadmapping in the business strategy, together with some of the characteristics of good roadmaps and the systems needed for supporting their application. Case examples are included to illustrate how the approach can be applied at the sector level, based on collaborative workshops. The technology roadmapping method is used widely in industry to support technology strategy and planning. The approach was originally developed by Motorola more than 25 years ago, to support integrated product-technology planning. Since then the technique has been adapted and applied in a wide variety of industrial contexts, at the company and sector levels (for example, the International Semiconductor and UK Foresight Vehicle technology roadmaps). Technology roadmaps can take many forms, but generally comprise multi-layered time-based charts that enable technology developments to be aligned with market trends and drivers.

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