CIO's Career Body of Knowledge

Everything you need to create a CIO 3.0 Career Plan – primers, guides, templates, samples, examples, case studies, tools, best practices, trends, and much more.

CIO Career Chapters

Emerging Role of the CIO

This chapter tracks the drivers and changes to the CIO role so you can adapt.


CEOs expect their CIOs to be business leaders. The operative words are "business" and "leader." This chapter focuses on the latter.

IT Organization

CIOs have to start thinking beyond organization charts - hierarchy is not governance and design means thinking strategically. This chapter can help.

Managing Up

CEO Relationship is the most critical link in a CIOs career. Are you managing up? This chapter is focused on understanding what the CEO wants of their CIO and managing those expectations to create a win-win partnership with your "boss."

Managing Peers

CIOs struggle to get a seat at the table and when they do it is a little lower than the rest. Part of the problem is not forging relationships with your peers. Coopetition is the name of the game. Are you ready?

Managing Your Team

Do you know how to build a killer team? How to retain talent? What is succession planning? This chapter focuses on building and leading a winning team.

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