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Information Technology (IT) Strategy Online Training Course [Certification]

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Learn IT Strategy

Business IT alignment is at the top of a CIO’s agenda, but making it happen requires understanding key concepts, a structured framework, and a proven approach. Developed by Sourabh Hajela, an award-winning thought leader, management consultant, and trainer with over 30 years of experience, this in-depth course explains how many Fortune 50 companies align their business and IT strategies to create sustainable shareholder value. IT Strategy Course describes how you can identify areas where your organization lacks alignment, quantify the cost to your company, and build a plan to align your IT efforts with your business needs.

IT Strategy Course is for Chief Information Officers, their direct reports, and those responsible for creating IT Strategic Plans. However, this information is invaluable to all employees in the IT Organization because it helps set the context for all the work they do.

  • What is IT Strategy, aka Business IT Alignment?
  • Why is IT Alignment essential for business results?
  • What are the steps to create an IT Alignment?
  • How do we migrate to this new capability?
  • How do we monitor and track IT investment results?
  • Are there tools and techniques available that can facilitate this journey?

At the end of the day, most business leaders agree that alignment is critical, but they don’t know how to achieve that goal.

The IT Strategy Course addresses these problems head-on with a robust yet practical approach:

  1. Comprehensive Understanding: Beginning with an introduction to IT Strategy, the course covers every facet of Business IT alignment, explaining why it’s vital for achieving desired business results.
  2. Structured Approach: The course details a step-by-step approach, from understanding the big picture to devising a migration plan, ensuring a holistic grasp of the subject.
  3. Demonstrable Outcomes: Move away from abstract concepts to concrete, measurable outcomes. With visual value maps, showcase the tangible benefits of alignment, translating into real shareholder value.
  4. Practicality at Its Core: The course is grounded in reality, addressing root causes of misalignment, aiding key decision-making processes about IT, and leveraging case studies for real-world context.
  5. Quantitative Insights: Learn techniques to easily monitor and control alignment, ensuring you’re always on the right track.
  6. Tools and Techniques: Equip yourself with various tools and techniques to facilitate alignment, ensuring efficiency and efficacy.
  7. Tailored for All: While primarily designed for CIOs and those creating IT Strategic Plans, the course provides valuable insights for everyone in the IT organization, establishing a context for their roles and responsibilities.

This course discusses the challenges of aligning IT with business in depth and presents a differentiated approach and framework that is:

  1. Demonstrable: IT Alignment Strategies take alignment from a nebulous concept to a business factor that can be measured, charted, and understood.
  2. Practical: The course drills down to the root causes of alignment or lack thereof, facilitating key decisions about IT.
  3. Quantitative: Techniques explained enable easy monitoring and control of alignment.
    Easy to Use: Gets you to decisions and value quickly and effectively.

IT Strategy Course presents this cutting-edge yet practical and easy-to-use framework. It guides you through a step-by-step approach to creating an actionable strategic plan for your IT organization. This IT Strategy will help you identify areas where your organization lacks alignment, quantify the cost to your company, and build a strategic plan to align your IT efforts with your business needs. IT Strategy’s objective is to create value for shareholders. With visual value maps, now you can show them the money!


From an introduction to IT Strategy to practical case studies, the course is segmented into ten modules, ensuring a logical flow and comprehensive coverage of all relevant topics.

Module OneIntroduction: What is IT Strategy?

Module TwoThe "big picture":
  • Overview of Business Capability

  • Business Process needs  

  • Information Technology Capability

  • Building an IT Capability


Module ThreeIT Strategy Overview: 7 steps to IT Alignment
  • Business Drivers and Imperatives

  • Technology implication

  • Creating the “as-is” view

  • Envisioning the “to-be” capability

  • Identifying the gaps

  • Prioritizing the alternatives

  • Devising a migration plan


Module Four
Business Drivers and Imperatives

  • Business driver

  • Understanding their imperatives

  • Assessing their impact

  • Case studies


Module FiveBuilding the “as-is” capability view
  • Process

  • Technology

  • Organization

  • Metrics


Module Six
Envisioning the “to-be” capability

  • Process

  • Technology

  • Organization

  • Metrics


Module SevenIdentifying the gaps
Module Eight
Prioritizing the Alternatives

  • Framework

  • Business value

  • Cost

  • Risk

  • Prioritization


Module Nine
Devising a migration plan

  • Discussion of migration approaches

  • Selection criteria and rationale

  • Planning for migration


Module TenCase Studies in Practical Applications

Summary and Next Steps

The IT Strategy Course is more than just another training program. It’s a comprehensive guide, a toolkit, and a roadmap for aligning IT efforts with business needs, ensuring organizations unlock the full potential of their technological investments. Join us on this journey and transform how you view IT and business alignment.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Is This Course Different from IT Strategy 101 Course?

IT Strategy 101 Course focuses on the “what” of creating business value using IT. This course details “how” to align IT and business. The former sets the context and details the approach and framework to create an IT capability to enable business results.

What Are The Benefits Of This Course for IT Executives?

This course introduces, in a structured and comprehensive yet easy manner, the logical steps and framework to align business requirements with IT capability.

As an IT professional, you have a good grasp on creating IT Solutions. You might have taken the Managing IT course to understand the ”big picture” on these solutions.

However, the “how to ” is missing,” i.e., the approach, steps, and framework to align business and IT capability.

  • How to model existing IT Capability?
  • How to model the desired IT Capability?
  • How to migrate to an efficient and effective IT Capability?

This course should help you become more effective and efficient in your current job and career by understanding the rationale for your work. More importantly, it will help you advance your career by getting knowledge on the business aspects of IT.

What Are The Benefits Of This Course for Non-IT Professionals?

Information technology is a strategic weapon in today’s fast-paced and hyper-competitive world.

  • Is your business leveraging this weapon to its fullest?
  • Are you collaborating with your IT organization to the extent you should?
  • Are you maximizing the returns on your IT investments?

Perhaps, as a non-IT professional, you have seen the promise of IT. You are also keen to unleash the power of IT. However, the punditry and complexity have intimidated or dissuaded you from delving into it meaningfully.

This course makes it easy by dealing with this topic comprehensively yet simply. Additionally, it deals with IT from a business perspective; hence for a business professional, it is easier to follow.

Is This A Technical Course?

Not in the sense of a technology deep dive. Even though this course is on Information Technology it is from a business perspective i.e. how to enable business results using information technology.

Why Is A Business Perspective Necessary To Successfully Use Information Technology?

As a business executive, your primary focus is on creating shareholder value. Information technology is a means to that end. Consequently, a business perspective helps understand where, how, and why IT can enable business results. When to apply it and when not to. If IT is not enabling business results, it is what some call ”technology for technology’s sake”.

What Topics Are Covered In This Course?

This course covers the following topics:

  • Business model and strategy and how they drive IT Strategy?
  • What are the steps in formulating IT Strategy?
  • How to create a model for the existing/current IT capability?
  • How to identify the IT imperatives given the business drivers?
  • How to devise a model for an IT Capability that aligns IT with business?
  • How to prioritize IT initiatives?
  • How to migrate from existing to the desired IT Capability?

My Question Isn’t Listed Here!

General course questions such as “How do I pay for this course?” or “What technology is utilized in this course?” are answered on our comprehensive course FAQ page. If your question is not visible there, please get in touch with us.

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