Q&A on Membership

Please review the membership related questions from the list below. If your question is not on this list, please use site search or contact a representative using the contact-us form to get help.

Do you offer some samples of content?

We do not offer samples. Subscribe to access a world-class IT reference library and services for high-impact decisions about strategy, investment & operations.

Can I get a refund if I am not satisfied?

Unfortunately, there are no refunds on subscriptions – which is why we have a very nominal membership rate so you can experience the quality of our service at minimal risk.

Do you offer a free trial period or rate?

Our Explorer membership is free for qualified professionals. It offers an opportunity to explore our services. When you are ready for premium services you can

Why does CIO-Index charge for content?

There is NO charge for content – our reference library is provided as a learning, research, search, and archival service/tool for our members.

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