Case Study: Enterprise Architecture Principles in Practice

This case study follows the best practice based implementation of enterprise architecture in an enterprise driven by its strategy.

Can Enterprise Architecture be used to implement a business' strategy?

This case study explores the answer to this question using a novel approach to enterprise architecture.

First it proposes a deviation from the traditional view of enterprise architecture as a model and proposes viewing it as a rule based restriction on design freedom. Then, it formulates said rules to shape the enterprise architecture of a global enterprise. This document presents this approach with a set of consistent and coherent enterprise architecture principles.

The foundation of this approach is thinking of enterprise architecture as not just an information technology but an enterprise-wide construct. Then answering the question “How can business strategy and best practices be captured correctly using an Enterprise Architecture?”

  • How do we articulate enterprise objectives?
  • How do we capture enterprise best practices?
  • How do we govern IT and business design using enterprise architecture principles?
  • How do we manage enterprise architecture principles over time?

This enterprise architecture implementation answers these questions by focusing on the following:

  • What are the guidelines to formulate EA principles?
  • How to design the business architecture framework to help organize these EA principles?
  • How to raise EA awareness in the enterprise?
  • How to develop enterprise architecture principles?

This approach gets us to the answer using a more practical approach to developing an enterprise architecture instead of the more complicated one using architecture frameworks and tools.

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