Unearth the essence of the digital revolution and how it impacts your business with our comprehensive guide. Equip yourself with insights into e-business trends, IT adaptation strategies, tech adoption, and more. Stay ahead in this digital age.
This guide to e-business strategy will help you understand the key drivers behind the digital revolution, imperative for changing your organizational strategy, and IT capability to adapt, and implications on the systems, and technologies in the enterprise. If you are a CIO wondering about how to cope with the challenges of the oncoming, and ever increasing e-business tsunami, this guide will help you create a plan of action! Excellent Read! (500+ pages)
The enterprise is going digital. The option for a CIO is to ride this wave or be swept by it. If you want to lead - it is already a bit late but the game is not over yet! - then get busy learning the nuts and bolts of e-business, and how to create value using internet technologies. This guide is here to help the CIO transform into a CDO. Well, it can help answer the following questions:
- How to create competitive advantage using internet based technologies, and ecosystems
- How does Enterprise Architecture change with these changing times i.e. what changes are needed in the IT architecture to adapt to e-Business?
- What changes in IT governance are needed to create value in digital times?
- How so components of IT capability - processes, systems, data, network etc. - adapt to take the enterprise online?
- What new challenges has the internet introduced in the business, and how to address them? Cybersecurity is a make of break endeavor for the CIO now!
- What are some marketing techniques that are now in the purview of the CIO - Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is no longer on the CMO's plate, but a key component of what the CIO does! What rules based engines can help with recommendations and other human factor based internet marketing?
- What new technologies must the enterprise adopt? How to make their implementation, and integration smooth? E-Commerce, M-Commerce, Geolocation, Visualization, Virtualization...are things a CIO must master. Are you ready?
- What does technology strategy look like in this digital age? Does a CIO focus on IT Strategy or E-Strategy or something else?
- How do you manage the new risk profile of the enterprise?
- What are the moral, and ethical dilemmas introduces in this new electronic world without boundaries?
For the CIO who is not ready for the digital age, this is a very thorough guide to e-strategy.