CIOs Guide to Organizational Behavior

This is an in-depth discussion on human behavior in organizations - what drives people is critical to understanding how to manage them - and group dynamics. CIOs must understand both in order to lead an IT organization that consistently delivers value to the enterprise. MUST Read! (650 pgs)

As a business leader, you are tasked with producing value using technology. This is a team sport. A CIO must understand what drives people, how they interact with each other, how to resolve conflict, how to manage interpersonal dynamic aka politics, how to channel creativity, how to drive innovation. A CIO must create an organization that is aligned with enterprise strategy AND a team that consistently delivers value. Here is some help.

This guide to organizational behavior discusses the following:

  • What is organizational behavior?
  • What drives organizational behavior?
  • How do demographics drive group interaction?
  • How do psycho-graphics drive group interaction?
  • What drives job satisfaction?
  • How does perception drive behavior?
  • How do group interactions mold our thinking?
  • What motivates human behavior? How do group interactions affect employee motivation?
  • How to build a team that consistently delivers value?
  • How to channel creativity without it disrupting organizational objectives?
  • How to manage conflict within teams?
  • How to manage interpersonal dynamics?
  • How to drive innovation?
  • How to design an organization that delivers value?
  • How to align business strategy with organizational design?

CIOs can learn how to motivate a group of people (their team!!) to go above and beyond in delivering value to the shareholders. In human behavior and group interaction lie the success of not only the enterprise but also your career.

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