e-Book – IT Governance Framework for Virtual Organizations

Increasingly, organizational boundaries are being stretched beyond their traditional design. Work, and value are being created outside traditional organizational borders - processes and governance must adapt to to maximize value. This document proposes a framework to govern relationships that involve multiple independent parties for example in an outsourcing relationship. (100 pages)

  • What are the common issues arising out of collaboration across multiple organizations?
  • What are the parameters used to select external partnerships?
  • What is the life-cycle of a typical multi-organization relationship?
  • What is IT governance?
  • What is an IT governance framework?
  • What is a suitable IT governance framework for collaboration across organizational boundaries?
  • How to implement this IT governance framework?

Outsourcing relationships require governance which this framework can help provide, however, its value is beyond these relationships. In the 21st century the norm is specialization which will bring about fragmentation in organizational design and structure. Organizations which know how to work only within their boundaries will lose to those that can collaborate across them. CIOs must learn how to govern these multi-organizational relationship. This paper is an excellent resource for that. Excellent read!

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