

Top 10 Emerging Technology Trends

This report posed a simple question to a network of experts: what technology trends will impact the business most over the next 18 months? Here are the top 10 technology trends – enablers of existing business model or disrupters presenting new business opportunity – ranked by their impact/use for business.

Technology Trends 2011

Deloitte’s Technology Trends 2011: A Federal Perspective report provides government leaders with a fresh look on the top ten technology trends that are expected to impact their constituents and organizations over the next 18 to 36 months.

Top 10 CIO Concerns

 Top 10 CIO Concerns discusses top CIO issues and how to address them.

Deloitte Global Security Survey

This excellent study done by Deloitte highlights the growing issues with information security – the threats are increasing as companies are slowing their investments.

IT Strategy in the Boardroom

This study finds that "Many corporate boards now consider IT to be an untapped mine rich with possibilities for their companies’ future results." However, they do not know how to deal with "IT issues within the context of the board’s role and how to grapple with IT’s inherently complex nature and rapid pace of change." <br /> <br /> The value of this study, however, is in the "eight big ideas" that will help solve this problem.


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