Does eCommerce Matter?

This paper has good information on a variety of issues related to eCommerce - especially the need for and the role of someone to lead the "function" within a business. Good start on key issues.

We live in a society that tends to hype i.e. exaggerate easily. 6 people fall ill and the headlines and airwaves are full of people screaming "pandemic!" A new strain of the flu virus is going to come every so often so we can rest assured that papers will sell forever! If I remember correctly, over 100,000 people die every year due to obesity - so while we were glued to our TV worrying about this impending "pandemic", we were probably stuffing our faces with potato chips and 300 dropped dead of the couch potato pandemic that is in full bloom! But we digress.

eCommerce was once the thing. Now, it is nothing - well, almost. So is eCommerce dead? (or if you are from Harvard: Does eCommerce Matter?)

Think those dreary thoughts at your own peril. eCommerce - or more appropriately eBusiness - is alive and kicking at a pandemic pace! ( I did have to work in that pandemic shock and awe!). The question is: what are you going to do about it?

This paper is a fluff piece written to sell client engagements. Nevertheless, it has good information on a variety of issues related to eCommerce - especially the need for and the role of someone to lead the "function" within a business. Good start on key issues but you will have to step over the shameless self promotion...

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