e-Book: A Guide to Leading Through Digital Disruption

This e-Book discusses in-depth key aspects of digital disruption and how leaders can harness it to their advantage - what is happening? what to expect? how to leverage it for value creation. Written for business technology leaders. Excellent discussion! (150+ pages)

This e-Book discusses in-depth key aspects of digital disruption and how leaders can harness it to their advantage - what is happening? what to expect? how to leverage it for value creation. Written for business technology leaders. Excellent discussion! (150+ pages)

This e-book will help the CIO design a digital strategy:

  • Understand what is digital disruption
  • Why is it such a big deal?
  • Are some companies or industries going to be more affected?
  • What can we learn from leaders who have successfully navigated digital disruption so far?
  • How can leaders create a culture of innovation?
  • Can you do it alone or do you need outside help?
  • What are the key technologies that are intersecting at the digital junction?
  • How should a CIO cope - fight or flight?

This e-book cuts through the hype and lays out a very clear picture of the massive changes that lie ahead so CIOs can get ahead of the curve.

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