e-Book – A Guide to Technology Innovation Using IT Governance

This report presents a comprehensive examination of the affect of IT Governance on the adoption of technology innovation in the enterprise. What is the impact of IT Governance on innovation? What kind of governance models are the best for technology innovation? An excellent resource for the CIO to design the right governance structure and practices to both foster innovation and reduce risk. (350 pages)

Does IT Governance kill IT Innovation? Is there a IT Governance model better suited for IT innovation? A CIO must answer these questions if they are to balance control with the inherently out of control process of innovation. Toward that end, this research studied IT Governance models and analyzed the models that help innovation and those that do not.

Conversely, does IT Innovation drive IT Governance? Can the adoption of a new technology change the governance structures and processes? A CIO has to answer this question to properly adopt a technology and manage its aftermath.

This research can help you formulate these questions, understand drivers, review alternatives and formulate your strategy for planning, control, and risk management aka IT Governance!

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