eMarketing: The Digital Purchase Funnel

The attached study aims to answer the question of exactly when and where purchasers see online advertising, and what implications those discoveries may have on the process of planning and optimizing media.

One of the toughest decisions you, as an eBusiness Head, will take is on is: if, when and where to advertise. Most managers tend to buy ads at "flavor of the month" or "name brand" sites. Fair enough. This world would be a sad place without sheep following the herd!

For the rest of you, this is a sophisticated decision that must factor in the objective of each ad campaign and the value a site provides. Some sites are good for awareness; some others for the purchase decision. Both are important. You must have a plan to take advantage of them.

Easier said than done!

The attached study aims to answer the question of exactly when and where purchasers see online advertising, and what implications those discoveries may have on the process of planning and optimizing media.

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