CIO Blogs


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CIO Career: Is There Life After Death?

You are living large. Doing things. Going places. Have you thought about making your corporate will? Is there life after death? Who knows? Over a

CIO Career: Who Yo Daddy?

CIO reports to CEO. CIO reports to CFO. CIO reports to COO. What is the most natural organizational fit? Does it matter? CIOs have come

Innovation: Google Doesn’t Matter

Nicholas Carr takes another dump. Unfortunately, you have to bear witness! To see the author of “IT Doesn’t Matter” – “Does IT Matter?” – write

eStrategy: Minting Money wants to change the banking industry. Can Mint do the same to personal finance? A business is nothing without customers. Understandably, an e-Business wants

Enterprise Architecture: Corporate DNA

You are what you eat. More appropriately, what your ancestors have eaten? This and other senseless theories explained. Can Enterprise Architecture be standardized? I mean,

Leadership: Of Courage and Conscience

Is there leadership without courage? Is there leadership without conscience? Finally, existentialism is explained. There are times when we feel small. Really small. All our

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