Defining the Business Model

This paper defines business model - it starts by using current definition, proposes guidelines to extend this definition, discusses the four key components of a business model, and then provides a new definition for the term.

Recent rapid advances in ICTs, specifically in Internet and mobile technologies, have highlighted the rising importance of the Business Model (BM) in Information Systems (IS). Despite agreement on its importance to an organization’s success, the concept is still fuzzy and vague, and there is no consensus regarding its definition. Furthermore, understanding the BM domain by identifying its meaning, fundamental pillars, and its relevance to other business concepts is by no means complete.

In this paper we aim to provide further clarification by first presenting a classification of definitions found in the IS literature; second, proposing guidelines on which to develop a more comprehensive definition in order to reach consensus; and third, identifying the four main business model concepts and values and their interaction, and thus place the business model within the world of digital usiness. Based on this discussion, we propose a new definition for the business model that we argue is more appropriate to this new world.

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