
Enterprise Architecture Research Collection

The “Enterprise Architecture Research” category in the CIO Reference Library contains articles and documents that provide insights into the latest research and developments in Enterprise Architecture (EA). This category is designed for IT executives and other business leaders who want to better understand EA.

The articles and documents in this category cover a wide range of topics related to EA research, such as:

  • Emerging trends and technologies: This includes articles that provide insights into emerging trends and technologies in EA, such as cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and blockchain.
  • Academic research: This includes articles that summarize the latest academic research on EA, including empirical studies, theoretical frameworks, and case studies.
  • Best practices and thought leadership: This includes articles that provide thought leadership on best practices in EA, including insights into the role of EA in digital transformation, IT governance, and business process management.
  • Regulatory and compliance issues: This includes articles that provide updates on the latest regulatory and compliance issues related to EA, including GDPR, HIPAA, and other regulatory frameworks.
  • EA research case studies include articles that provide real-world examples of successful EA research initiatives within organizations across various industries and sectors.

Overall, the “Enterprise Architecture Research” category is a valuable resource for IT executives and other business leaders seeking to stay up-to-date on the latest research and developments in EA. The resources in this category provide insights into emerging trends and technologies, the latest academic research on EA, thought leadership on best practices, updates on regulatory and compliance issues, and real-world examples of successful EA research initiatives. By staying up-to-date on the latest research and developments in EA, organizations can make informed decisions about their EA initiatives and achieve better outcomes.

Driving Value with EA: Organizational Use Cases, Key Benefits, and Practical Applications - featured image

Driving Value with EA: Use Cases, Key Benefits, and Practical Applications

This enterprise architecture (EA) analysis offers a deep dive into how it can be leveraged within organizations to achieve maximum value. Covering practical use cases, the document explains the key benefits of EA, such as improved business-IT alignment, optimized asset management, and enhanced project governance. This guide outlines the real-world applications of EA to provide actionable insights for strategic and operational improvements.

e-Book: Creating a Successful Enterprise Architecture Practice

This discussion explores the factors that drive enterprise architecture success. It proposes that enterprise architecture fails because of a focus on deliverables and not on their use in creating value. An excellent discussion for CIOs to follow. (450 pages)

e-Book: Enterprise Architecture Best Practices

This e-Book discusses the root causes for the failure of enterprise architecture programs. It proposes a holistic framework of critical success factors governing the success of enterprise architecture programs. Excellent discussion for the CIO! (450 pages)

e-Book: Leading Practices in Enterprise Architecture

This e-book details research, projects, and case studies on cutting edge practices in enterprise architecture planning. An excellent resource for the CIO who wants to apply the best thinking on enterprise architecture to creating business value. (1,000 pages)

Case Study of Implementing Actionable Enterprise Architecture Featured Image

Case Study of Implementing Actionable Enterprise Architecture

This case study explores the real-world implementation of an Enterprise Architecture tool designed to improve IT infrastructure management. It covers methodologies for enhancing data visualization, interactivity, and efficient data management, providing CIOs with practical solutions to streamline their IT operations. Excellent read!! (200 pages)

Case Study – Enterprise Architecture Best Practices

This case study explores the challenges in implementing enterprise architecture planning in the enterprise. It explains the critical success factors in making EA implementations successful. Excellent Read! (100 pages)

Framework for Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) Tool Comparison and Selection

e-Book: A Framework for Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) Tool Comparison and Selection

Unravel the complexities of Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) with this comprehensive framework. Learn about different EAI types, the role of Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), the utility of an Enterprise Service Bus (ESB), and how to compare EAI tools critically. Transform your organization’s IT infrastructure with the right EAI tool! Excellent Discussion! (100 pages)

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