The paper examines the business use of web 2.0 – what is web 2.0 and what makes it different from both business and technological perspectives? What is the value proposition of web 2.0 and how businesses can best leverage it?
Over the past decade e-Business has evolved to a point where players are established and wannbes have found their rightful place in history books in the chapter next to dinosaurs. What made eBay successful? What caused the demise of WebVan? Why is Facebook on a romp? Why has MySpace diminished to a “has been”?
This paper explores the business use of web 2.0 – what is web 2.0? What makes web 2.0 different? What are the the business models associated with Web 2.0? The paper tries to understand both business and technological tactics/strategies and value propositions for businesses to best leverage web 2.0.