Project Portfolio Management (PPM) For Value

Maximize ROI from your ALM/PPM investments with our research paper on Realizing Value from ALM/PPM Investments. Learn best practices for overcoming challenges and achieving expected value from ALM/PPM investments with ALM/PPM governance, competencies, and guidance


Investing in Project Portfolio Management (PPM) and Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) tools is essential for IT organizations looking to optimize their resources and maximize ROI. However, many organizations struggle to realize the expected value from their ALM/PPM investments due to process, knowledge, time, and technology constraints. This research paper provides best practices for overcoming these impediments and realizing value from ALM/PPM investments.


The research paper covers the following topics:

  • An overview of ALM/PPM and its benefits
  • Challenges to realizing value from ALM/PPM investments
  • Best practices for ALM/PPM governance, competencies, and guidance
  • Examples of successful ALM/PPM implementations
  • Tips for successful ALM/PPM implementation


The Realizing Value from ALM/PPM Investments research paper provides best practices for organizations looking to maximize ROI from their ALM/PPM investments. By adopting ALM/PPM governance, competencies, and guidance best practices, organizations can overcome process, knowledge, time, and technology constraints, and achieve the expected value from their ALM/PPM investments.

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