COBIT (Control Objectives for Information and Related Technologies) is a global framework crafted by ISACA to streamline the governance and management of enterprise IT. Providing an amalgamation of best practices, principles, and guidelines, COBIT aids organizations in optimizing their IT assets, processes, and risk management endeavors. The framework is grounded in five principles, such as aligning IT with stakeholder needs and distinguishing governance from management. Its structured approach encompasses four key domains: Plan and Organize; Acquire and Implement; Deliver and Support; and Monitor and Evaluate. Adopting COBIT can elevate IT governance, bolster risk management, and drive overall performance enhancement. With this chapter, readers will grasp the intricate details of COBIT’s structure, learn from real-world implementation case studies like Barclays and Volkswagen Group, and discover how COBIT can be seamlessly integrated into an IT strategy to achieve alignment with business objectives and significant value delivery.

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