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IT Strategy 101 Online Training Course [Certification]


Whether you are a CxO or a programmer, getting the “big picture” on IT is critical to your success. But getting your arms around IT without a structured, proven framework is like boiling the ocean. The Managing IT For Shareholder Value online training course solves this problem by explaining in detail where and how IT can add value to your business. This is the critical first step to bringing your IT efforts in line with your business needs.

IT Management Course, aka IT Strategy 101 Course, is for Chief Information Officers, their direct reports, and those responsible for creating IT Strategic Plans. However, this information is invaluable to all employees in the IT Organization because it helps set the context for all the work they do!

Developed by StartSmart Consulting, this in-depth course explains how IT helps Fortune 50 companies achieve business success. Sourabh Hajela leads the program, an award-winning thought leader, management consultant, and trainer with over 17 years of experience managing IT. His audio narration guides you through more than 250 slides that show you how to effectively and efficiently use all that IT has to offer. In addition to the online course, which you can take at your own pace and convenience, you can also receive a certificate of completion.

At the end of the day, most business leaders agree that IT is a strategic weapon, but they don’t know where and how to use it effectively. The key to leveraging IT is understanding its capability and where it adds value to a business. This course introduces a framework that sets the context for a meaningful discussion on IT ROI

  • Business Driven Managing IT for Shareholder Value takes IT Capability and alignment from a nebulous concept to a business factor that can be measured, charted, and understood.
  • Practical The course turns IT into a business tool that can be used for shareholder value.
  • Quantitative Techniques explained enable easy monitoring and control of IT alignment and value.
  • Easy to Use Sourabh Hajela gets to the answers quickly and effectively.

As a business leader, your primary focus is creating shareholder value. Information technology is a means to that end. This course aims to provide an overview of information technology capability, discuss how it enables business results, introduce a business-focused approach to create an IT capability that enables superior shareholder value, and learn how to collaborate with IT professionals. Specific questions of concentration in this course include:

  • What is IT Capability? What are its components? How do they relate to their business counterparts?
  • Why is IT Capability essential for business results?
  • How does business strategy drive IT Capability? How to fuse business and IT Capability?
  • How does one create an IT Capability that maximizes business results?
  • What is the ”lingo” that IT professionals use?
  • How do we prioritize IT investments? Where is the biggest bang for the buck?
  • How do we monitor and track IT investment results?

Key Topics

This course builds the foundation for a strong career in IT Management. IT Strategy 101 training course covers the following topics:

  • Business model and strategy and how they drive IT solutions
  • Information Technology capability and discusses in depth how it enables business results
  • The components of IT Capability such as IT vision, strategy, processes, organization, Systems Implementation, Systems Architecture, hardware, software, databases, and networks.
  • Key technologies such as client/server architecture, ERP, SCM, and CRM and how they address business requirements to create shareholder value
  • IT Investment ROI – how to calculate it?
  • Internet and how it has changed the business landscape
  • Key managerial issues such as security and intellectual property


Module OneIntroduction: What is the need for a differentiated IT capability?
  • Environmental Factors

  • Industry/Competitive drivers

  • Organizational issues

  • Technology enablers

Module TwoOverview of Business Capability: How does business drive IT Capability?
  • Business models

  • Business Strategy

  • Business Processes

  • Organization

  • Metrics

Module ThreeBusiness Drivers: Where does IT add value?
  • Product Development

  • Marketing

  • After Sales Service

  • Manufacturing

  • Procurement

  • Supply Chain

  • Financials

  • Administration (incl. Human Resources)

  • Vendor Management

Module FourInformation Technology Capability Part I: Translating Business requirements into technology solutions
  • IT Strategy

  • Enterprise Architecture Planning

  • E-Strategy

  • Systems Strategy

  • IT Processes

  • IT Governance

  • IT Metrics

  • IT Assets

Module FiveInformation Technology Capability Part II: What are the key elements of IT Infrastructure and how do they business solutions?
  • Architecture

  • Hardware

  • Application

  • Software

  • Databases

  • Application Servers

  • Middleware

  • Networks Tools

Module SixE-Business: How has the Internet added to business capabilities?
  • Internet/Intranet/Extranet

  • Impact on Business capability

  • Internet and the new way of doing business

  • e-CRM: Internet and CRM

  • e-SCM: Internet and the Supply Chain

  • e-Procurement: Internet and procurement

  • How has the internet affected internal operations

Module Seven
Measuring IT Return on Investment (ROI):

  • Why is measurement important?

  • What are the common frameworks used?

  • A practical approach to measuring ROI

Module Eight
Key Technology issues: Technology Trends and implications

  • Security

  • Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues

Module Nine
Case Studies: Practical Applications of creating IT value

  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

  • Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

  • Supply Chain Management (SCM)

Module Ten
Summary and Next Steps

Benefits For Business and IT Executives

As an IT professional, you have a good grasp of creating IT Solutions. Perhaps what is missing is the ”big picture”.

  • How do these IT solutions – applications, operating systems, middleware, databases, networks, etc. – create shareholder value?
  • How do business models and strategies drive IT capability and solutions? How do a company’s business model and strategy connect with its IT systems and infrastructure?
  • How to create IT Capability that is effective and efficient, i.e., one that gives the biggest bang for the IT buck?

This course introduces, in a structured and comprehensive yet easy manner, important business and IT concepts – from strategy to implementation. More importantly, it walks through the logical steps to align business requirements with IT capability.

This course should help you become more effective and efficient in your job and career by understanding the rationale for your work and better understanding and responding to your business counterparts.

Benefits For Non-IT Professionals

Information technology is a strategic weapon in today’s fast-paced and hyper-competitive world.

  • Is your business leveraging this weapon to its fullest?
  • Are you collaborating with your IT organization to the extent you should?
  • Are you maximizing the returns on your IT investments?

Perhaps, as a non-IT professional, you have seen the promise of IT. You are also keen to unleash the power of IT. However, the punditry and complexity have intimidated or dissuaded you from delving into it meaningfully.

This course makes it easy by dealing with this topic comprehensively yet simply. Additionally, it deals with IT from a business perspective; hence for a business professional, it is easier to follow.

Is This A Technical Course?

Not in the sense of a technology deep dive. Even though this course is on Information Technology, it is from a business perspective, i.e., how to enable business results using information technology.

Why Is A Business Perspective Necessary To Successfully Use Information Technology?

As a business executive, your primary focus is on creating shareholder value. Information technology is a means to that end. Consequently, a business perspective helps understand where, how, and why IT can enable business results. When to apply it and when not to. If IT is not enabling business results, it is what some call ”technology for technology’s sake”.

My Question Isn’t Listed Here!

General course questions such as “How do I pay for this IT Strategy 101 course?” or “What technology is utilized in this course?” are answered on our comprehensive course FAQ page. If your question is not visible there, please get in touch with us.

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